It's Your Turn
to have Less Stress
and Save
Summer Savings! 3 Private Sessions
(A $600 Value)
Offer ends August 18th
Relief Starts
When You
What keeps you up at night?

What keeps your stress level at a 7 instead of a 2?

That's where we'll start so you can get relief right away
Private Coaching is Where Relief Starts
Pinpoint your goals:
~Tackle a stressful relationship head-on

~Elevate your career or take your business to new heights

~Establish firm boundaries and regain control of your life

~Prioritize yourself guilt-free

~Discover the true meaning of self-care and self-love

Crush challenges

Challenges may not be enjoyable, and I won't give you empty platitudes like "everything happens for a reason."

But here's something I know: within every challenge lies a hidden gift.

As your coach, we will embark on a journey to uncover and embrace the unique gift hidden within your challenges

Embrace self-care

What does self-care truly mean to you?

In a world where self-care has become a buzzword, you have unique needs and desires.

Your self-care routine should never be generic or fit into a predetermined formula.

Together, we'll take a journey of self-discovery to unveil what self-care means specifically for you.

Get the Relief You Deserve

Relief - an emotion that holds extraordinary power.

It's the sensation we experience when we stand firmly in our truth and harness our inner power.

Have you ever wondered what it truly means to be in your "truth and power"?

Prepare yourself for an incredible journey, as together, we uncover the path to your truth and power.

"With Brenda's  help, I changed the way I saw myself and worked through a difficult time in my life. The tools she taught me have brought me peace and balance. I can actually feel the inner changes happening. 
I owe her a lot for helping me discover my true self. I highly recommend Brenda to anyone who wants to bring out the best in themselves!
-Pedro M
What Will You Get out of Working with Brenda?
Personal Attention with Private Coaching Gives You:
Accelerated personal growth

Private coaching serves as a catalyst for your personal development journey, enabling you to tackle challenges and reach your goals with greater speed and efficiency.

Tailored support and tools

Practical Tools will Give You:
Increased clarity

Enhanced self-awareness

You'll get specific and practical tools to experience your truth and empowerment!

Being Seen and Heard
You'll feel seen and heard at a level you may not have experienced before.

This is a totally judgment-free zone for you to explore what's possible for your life.

Being seen and heard is validating, empowering and freeing. 

Support in between Sessions
Sometimes you need a little extra support!

I'm here for it!

You'll have access to me between sessions for a quick pep talk or question that is time sensitive.
This package is for anyone who:

  • Is curious about coaching
  • Hasn't found coaching prices accessible
  • Knows they want coaching but isn't ready for a long-term commitment 
  • Current or returning clients who want to add these sessions onto what they have or to "check-in and tune-up." 
Summer Savings! 3 Private Sessions
(A $600 Value)
Offer ends August 18th
In case you need to know more about Brenda and what it's like to work with her...
Here's what Rebecca said about her breakthroughs in coaching:
"There are no words to express my respect and gratitude for Brenda.  With her guidance and a lot of work, I have achieved some huge goals.  Better yet, she has helped me have a better understanding of who I am, how I work and always reminds me to love myself no matter what.

With her help and coaching I decided to make some big changes and I applied for, and received, my dream job.  I love it every day and it has put me back where I needed to be financially.  I also gained the strength to finalize my divorce.  That was major and it truly was a direct result of the coaching I received from Brenda."
From Jody...

Brenda is present, fun, direct, intuitive and smart.  She has a gift that takes all of our seemingly disconnected stories, finds the common thread and guides you to the truth. You know the endless inner voice?  That voice that makes you feel like there is something wrong with you. Brenda helped me see that it’s not the truth. When the truth emerges, it's simple, it's freedom.

Brenda Florida, Certified Life Coach, Speaker, Podcast Host, Writer...

Brenda practices what she teaches and coaches. After years of people pleasing habits, caused by trauma, conservative religious culture and a abandonment issues, Brenda began her journey to healing and wholeness.

Now she guides others on their unique journey. She is a master at creating sacred space, making her clients feel seen and heard, along with providing practical tools to bridge the gap between what we know is possible and how we actually live in our daily lives.

Brenda lives in Huntington Beach, CA and coaches clients all over the world.

© 2023 Brenda Florida